Celebrating Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month

Jose Rodriguez '24, Staff Writer | Media & Communications 

In recognition of Black History Month, Salem State Athletics, talked to head women's ice hockey coach Ray Kizzie, and women's basketball players Abuk Teng and Ernidia Goncalves, who encourage us to celebrate Black culture and its contributions.   


Who or what has influenced you to be the person that you are today?

Coach Kizzie:  My parents have had the biggest influence on me to be the person that I am today. Treat those around you with respect and kindness. Be honest and do the best you can. That is something that I've learned from them that has always stuck with me.

Abuk Teng: Basketball has shown me discipline and patience which created the person I am today. It's influenced me to remain persistent in everything I do outside of the sport.

Ernidia Goncalves: Someone who has influenced me to be the person I am today is my mom. She's one of the most hardworking people I know and each day she pushes my siblings and I to be the best version of ourselves.


Is there is in inspirational quote or mantra that you try to apply in your everyday life?

Coach Kizzie: Something recent that I have come across that I am trying to apply is, "Be the best at getting better." You don't have to be the best at one particular thing, but be consistent in an effort to bettering yourself and your environment.   

Abuk Teng: "Hold the vision and trust the process." I have this quote as my screensaver and above my locker in the locker room. I look at it every day before a practice or game to remind myself that I'm capable and can achieve my goals no matter how long it takes. It's a reminder every day to stay the course and the results of my hard work and dedication will pay off. Whether it's about school, basketball, or my future endeavors.

Ernidia Goncalves:  An inspirational quote that I try to apply to my everyday life is, "To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did." 


How do you best represent Salem State as a student-athlete or coach?

Coach Kizzie: It's a great opportunity to be a part of this community. I'd like to represent by being graceful, energic, and passionate with everything I do.    

Abuk Teng: I try my best to represent Salem State as a student-athlete by staying on top of my school work and staying engaged with my classes and teachers during the season. Along with showing good sportsmanship at away games and being a respectful student-athlete.

Ernidia Goncalves: By being a positive role model to people and being able to present and embrace my talents while also trying to inspire others to do the same.                    


What does Black History mean to you?  

Coach Kizzie: It means celebrating those that came before you by remembering their struggles, and successes. Understanding that where we are today, was not easy to get to. Continue the legacy that is to progress forward.  

Abuk Teng: Black history to me is an important topic to acknowledge because of the strong black leaders who spread their voices and awareness to create change. The strive for equality should be celebrated and appreciated for the many years it took to achieve, and the work that still needs to be done. 

Ernidia Goncalves: To me black history means celebrating and acknowledging all the amazing achievements, success and even struggles that black individuals have faced throughout history.


What does it mean to play basketball at Salem State?

Abuk Teng: It means a lot to represent my school in the best way I can and it makes me feel appreciated seeing the support myself and the team get from staff, athletic trainers, and fans.

Ernidia Goncalves: Playing basketball at Salem State is an amazing opportunity for me, being a part of a great team with amazing leaders representing the University is always is great.  


What does it mean to be women's ice hockey head coach at Salem State?

Coach Kizzie: It means being the best you can be to get the best out of others.